Leveraging Your Way to Success Or the Poor House
By Timmy I Nelson
One of the most dangerous tools available to Day Traders trading Contracts for Difference, Futures or Forex is that ability to access wild amounts of leverage. Leverage is that incredible 'double edged' sword that gives you the opportunity for incredible gains on small amounts of money or unforgiveable losses with small amounts of money. Fortunately, when it comes to leverage, you the trader are always in control providing you know how to trade on leverage sensibly.
Is control really in my hands as the trader?
As the trader you have your trading account of say $10,000 which on some trading accounts like forex, will give you the opportunity to trade up to $1 million in total positions. This is referred to as 100 times leverage and if you think about it, is absolutely crazy and the closest thing you are ever going to experience to gambling without being at the casino.
Fortunately for those who trade sensibly, you'll understand that you actually do control the leverage on your account and with $10,000 you could trade up to $10,000 in total value which means you are using no leverage. The key point to illustrate here is that you can trade ridiculous levels of leverage and wipe your account out overnight, or you could trade sensibly and use the leverage to your advantage.
Can I triple the results of a trading system using leverage?
When you begin using leverage in a sensible way you'll begin to appreciate that you can maximize your returns whilst only increasing the chance of drawdown in a small way. Let's say you had a trading system that made 10% per year with no leverage. That means on your $10,000 account you would make $1,000 gross by the years end.
Imagine then if you traded that same system at 3 times leverage, which means instead of trading just $10,000 worth of position you are now trading $30,000 in total positions. Now you simply apply the exact same trading system which historically has been making 10% per year. The main difference now is that you are using a total portfolio size of $30,000 and 10% of that figure is $3,000. When you work out your return you need to base it on your $10,000 capital since that is exactly what you have. Now you can see that you are making 30% per year instead of 10% and all you did was increase the leverage to 3 times your account size.
My trading systems drawdown is not tripled...
Always remember that trading on leverage amplifies your wins and losses. In relation to your trading system making 10% per year you may have experienced a 4% drawdown at its worst point. If you trade at 3 times leverage then you can expect that your worst case drawdown will be approximately 3 times more than the unleveraged result. As a general rule, always trade smaller than what you are currently trading at.